Sunday, May 2, 2010

Let the Party Begin

I was 30 when we got divorced. Our son was five. He has done really well all things considered. At first it was awkward because some of our friends didn't know which "side" they were supposed to be on, time would answer that question for us.
I think it was about 5 or 6 months after the separation I felt compelled to make sure I was having more fun than she was. I don't know if she felt the same way or not. I was going out with "my friends" quite a bit and I was genuinely having a good time, usually. Fortunately I'm a pretty good looking guy and back then ( 10 yrs. ) I was in very good shape, being newly divorced and all. This in mind, any attractive female that paid attention to me automatically got mine in return. I dated anyone, 1 was 10yrs. younger and 1 was 9yrs. older and all of them in between. Since this is, advanced honesty, I did not have sex with them all, after all there were quite a few, jeez.
My soon to be typically tragic tale started zeroing in on me about a year and a half after we were separated ( took 2 yrs. to legally get divorced ). My friends and I were hanging out one evening drinking, when they asked me if I wanted to go over to the neighbors house and buy some coke? Prior to this, I hadn't done anything since the little bit in the service ( about 9-10yrs prior. ). Keep in mind this is cliche suburban America not Harlem, regardless, I say why, HELL YEAH, so we did.
I could almost instantly see this was going to be the start of something big. It was so much better than I ever remembered it being. Looking back, I thought I was happy and OK with what was going on in my life, I couldn't of been more wrong. One thing I knew for sure was how good and how OK with my life I was when I used. At first it was the weekend warrior thing ( though I couldn't understand how my friends weren't just dying for the weekend to arrive like I was ) then I started buying from their guy who I managed to make friends with ( imagine that ).
I think it took 5-8 months before I started to do the stuff at work. At first I hated doing it there but it got to a point I had to just to stay awake and to function.
One thing I feel I should point out here is, this is the time when I don't put 100% trust in my memory recall, but it's all I got. I'm not sure when I made the move from coke to meth, but part of the reason was the amount of coke I needed to do was huge compared to the little bit of meth it took to stay functioning, so for a little while I did both. Coke high and meth high, other than staying awake they're very different highs, and preferred the coke, I mean after all I wasn't some speed freak, I HAD MORALS!
So, coke and I stopped seeing each other and miss methamphetamine and I were exclusive. Shoot, it made perfect financial sense, I mean after all I had a house, car, child support and all the other payments that people have at that age, and with my rapidly increasing habit I had to cut out coke, E, mushrooms, blah, blah, blah. I never tried heroin in any form, I was more for the happy party drug crowd.
Around this time I start to notice it's getting hard to pay my bills and some "normal friends" are beginning to become concerned. My partying is waaay out of control but I am only doing it with people who can do it like I do ( A LOT ). Well until next time

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