Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Little History

Well since I don't know were to begin I'm just going to start.
First things first, how I found out about this is I read an article on Abby Sunderland ( the 16yr. old sailing around the world ) and then read some of her blog. I guess I've always been fascinated ( or envious ) of anyone who embarks on a solo type of adventure. So, anyhow, that is how I got the idea that this would be a great place for me to try and shake some of my self inflicted insecurities, figure out how to make sense of my thoughts and some general unloading.

Warning, if proper grammar and form bothers you maybe you should move on.

My life history, briefly, is, I grew up as normal, as normal is defined. My parents are hard working middle class people who always took care of what they should have, they're the most honest people I know. Myself and my siblings always had what we needed and most of what we wanted.
Fast forwarding, I went into the Marines mid - late 80s, it was the most fun I never want to do again. Then after I got out, I came back home, got a job, got married, had a child and then got divorced after a number of years. This is not a feel sorry for myself point, my ex and I get along pretty good and it was some time ago.
It was after my divorce ( not because of it ) that my life as I knew it was about to go wildly out of control but I'll start on that can of worms tomorrow.

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